New York's Department of Motor Vehicles will revoke a license plate reading "Hammas" that was seen in Brooklyn, NY1 reported Wednesday.

It's a slight misspelling of Hamas, a group recognized as a terrorist organization by the U.S. It's on a black Dodge that was spotted in Bay Ridge on Wednesday and had a Palestinian flag across the windshield.

"We are pulling this plate off the road as patently offensive," Jackie McGinnis of the state Department of Motor Vehicles said in a statement, according to NY1. "The group represented by the name on the plate is also on the list of entities designated by the U.S. Government as a terrorist organization."

Brooklynites who spoke to NY1 were not too upset about the license plate.

"I don't understand purpose of that plate, I don't understand purpose of not having that plate, but I want just general peace in the world," said one person.

"It could be seen as provocative in some parts in Brooklyn if it was parked in certain areas, I guess. It doesn't really bother me too much," said another.

The DMV can refuse to issue a license plate it feels is obscene, derogatory or offensive, according to agency regulations.