Google released a new update this week for its Glass headset that provides users access to all of their contacts.

Users will now be able to use voice commands to access up to 20 of their most recent family members and friends on the Glass interface, according to PC Magazine. The update also lets wearers choose their method of communication, which is a feature Glass fans have often requested.

"Explorers have been telling us that when they choose a contact from Glass they'd also like the option to choose how they message them," wrote Joel K., member of the Glass team.

The team added on its Google+ page that users can access the rest of their contacts by swiping, NDTV reported. For communication options, wearers can tap on a contact to view options for Hangouts, email and SMS.

Google said Glass users with Android smartphones can access these new features once they receive the update, but that users with iOS devices will have to wait a little longer for the update since they need the MyGlass companion app to get it. The Mountain View-based company added that the app will be released in "the next week or so."

Additional features that come with the update include Google Now's nearby events card that lists upcoming events in a user's location, such as concerts and festivals, PC Magazine reported. The search giant's currency exchange card is also available to provide travelers with fast exchange rates based on their location.

Glass wearers can also use a card that allows them to nudge their heads in order to turn the Glass display on or off. A few new voice options can be utilized during phone calls and after recording videos or taking photographs.

The Glass update follows Google's announced collaboration with Thalmic Labs earlier this week, PC Magazine reported. The two companies are looking to make Glass work with Thalmic Labs' Myo armband.