Developers created a new navigational mobile app called SketchFactor for iOS devices that helps users avoid desolate, lonely areas.

 On major platforms like Android and iOS, there is an app for almost any purpose, but innovations continues as some developers get out-of-the-box ideas for unique apps. One such app is SketchFactor that allows users to avoid shady neighborhoods as well as report on shady characters.

The app is limited to New York City users and offers walking routes on a map based on users' tips. If there is a sketchy place en route, the app identifies and alerts the commuter and automatically suggests a safer direction.

The app's functionality of reporting sketchy characters and places, has landed its developers in hot waters. The app is heavily criticized for being racist by some people. The new app that landed on App Store Friday attracted headlines like "White people create terrible app to avoid, um, sketchy areas" on Huffington Post and "Want to Avoid Black Neighbourhoods? There's an App for That", BBCreports.

In defense, SketchFactor developers called the negative press totally "unprofessional." "We get it, they need clicks," exclaimed the app's developers. "However, the reporters of these pieces never contacted us, never interviewed us, and the app wasn't even live when they wrote it."

"Setting the record straight: SketchFactor is a tool for anyone, anywhere, at any time," the announcement on the company's website reads.

The developers of the app, Allison McGuire and Daniel Herrington, explained the app can be extremely useful for people who want to stay out of sketchy situations.-

"We have a reporting mechanism for racial profiling, harassment, low lighting, desolate areas, weird stuff, you name it," they wrote. "When people actually download the app, they see that this is truly a tool for everyone."

Different people have different views about the same thing. Check out the app from Apple App Store and share your thoughts with us.