"The Last of us" is the latest PlayStation 4 title to get the remaster treatment. The title follows the story of Ellie and Joel. The duo pair up after Ellie becomes important cargo to the Fireflies. Ellie became cargo when she was bitten by an infected, but didn't turn into one.

Ellie shows Joel her healed bite mark and he realizes she's the key to a vaccine that can end the spread of the virus. Ellie and Joel have a rough start, but eventually the pair become friends as they journey across United States to reach the Fireflies.

Naughty Dog will release their remastered title on July 29. Unfortunately, fans won't be able to upgrade their PS3 title at a discounted price. PlayStation Blog Social Media Manget Sid Shuman dished details about the remaster.

"Lighting quality has received a boost, with improved shadow detail," Shuman wrote. "The 1080p presentation also helped me spot subtle visual details I'd never noticed in the original PS3 version, like the way tiny streams of blood trickle down Joel's arm when he's injured, or how rats weave erratically through garbage-strewn ruins.

"The gameplay remains unchanged, though the higher framerate does lend a feeling of increased responsiveness," he added. "The most notable difference is that the L2 and R2 triggers now control aiming and firing - and yep, you can switch back to the classic L1 and R1 controls if that floats your boat."

Check out more of Shuman's preview here. The remastered title will include DLC including the Abandoned Territories Map Pack, Reclaimed Territories Map Pack, and "The Last of Us: Left Behind" single player campaign.