BioWare executive producer Casey Hudson unveiled the first preview of "Mass Effect 4" during EA's E3 2014 press conference.

The title is currently in development, but Hudson confirmed the title would feature new characters and a new region of the universe, according to GameSpot.

"Some conceptual prototype footage showed a series of brief glimpses into the new part of the universe, with the environments appearing war torn--a stark contrast from many of the clean, angular corridors from the original trilogy," GameSpot reports. "Hudson also reiterated that BioWare Montreal was designing Mass Effect 4, whereas the Edmonton studio was creating the entirely new IP."

BioWare General Manager Aaryn Flynn added the new franchise installment is a "chance to have a clean sheet of design to start at the most fundamental set of principles you can have." Hudson also claimed the new installment bring "contemporary stories" to the "Mass Effect" franchise.

There is no release date for the next "Mass Effect" installment, but the game is not direct sequel to the original trilogy. You can watch the prototype footage in the video below. Along with the "Mass Effect 4" news, EA showed a new teaser for "Star Wars Battlefront."

"[We] were shown the new Star Wars Battlefront game from DICE Stockholm, a collaboration with LucasFilm," according to The Guardian U.K. "This came in the underwhelming form of some diligently rendered locations based on those seen in the original trilogy of films. There were speeder bikes, but no At-Ats. Or lightsabers. The rest of the game's segment in the presentation was given over to some well-shot footage of the team working on the game and frolicking on location, obviously enjoying the job of raiding Lucasfilm archives for source material."

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