"Game of Thrones" season four episode nine was all about the Wildlings and the Night's Watch.

Unfortunately for fans there was no update regarding Tyrion Lannister's fate after the death of Oberyn Martell. However, Jon Snow and Ygritte finally reunite after their bitter goodbye.

Jon and the rest of the Night's Watch prepared to fight 100,000 Wildlings at the leadership at of Mance Rayder. Ygritte threatened anyone who tried to kill Jon would suffer an arrow through their heart. She was adamant to be the one who killed Jon.

Meanwhile, Jon and Lord Commander Alliser Thorne shared a moment at the top of the wall. Alliser admitted he should have closed the gates to the wall before the Wildlings got close. However, Jon refused to say I told you so and opted to remain humble. Alliser explained to Jon once a leader begins to doubt himself, his reign amongst his mean is over.

Sam is reunited with Gilly after believing the Wildlings murdered her and little Sam. Gilly begs Sam to stay with her during the battle, but he explains even though he made a promise to never leave her side, she needs to understand he made a vow to the Night's Watch.

The Wildings eventually make it Castle Black and begin attacking the Crows. For a while, it looks like the Night's Watch won't be able to hold back their attack. Alliser makes it down to help his fellow Crows, but is struck down by a Wildling. Jon takes charge atop the wall and is able to keep the Wildlings from opening more gates.

Jon eventually makes it down to Castle Black, where he encounters Ygritte. She is ready to place an arrow through Jon's heart, but freezes at the sight of the one she loves. However, an arrow soon pierces her heart and dies in Jon's arms. Her last words to Jon: "You know nothing."

The episode ends with Jon heading off to kill Mance Rayder.