There was a leaked image of Henry Cavill's alleged new "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice" costume floating around a few weeks ago.  Turns out the bust could be a statue featured in the production.

Batman-News reports their reader who snapped the original photograph claims it isn't a new suit, but rather a 15 feet tall statue in front of a building.

"It is standing on some steps that have been constructed. They look like the types of steps in front of a government building. They are concrete-ish in color. There isn't a background, so I assume this will be green-screened and dropped into some other shot," the reader explained, according to Batman-News. (Click here to view photo)

It is unclear why the statue is being made, but it could be related to the Justice League, like a possible set for a new headquarters.

The "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice" has not confirmed any news regarding the statue, but Man of Steel himself Henry Cavill is talking about the production. 

Warner Bros. released footage of an interview with Cavill back in December 2013.  Cavill discussed Ben Affleck's casting, along with director Zack Snyder's nods to other DC universes.

"The next installment, as we all know, is involving other rather important character," Cavill said during the interview.  "I'm looking very forward to that direction because ultimately they're two sides of the same coin and that's going to be interesting. [Batman and Superman] are two sides of the same coin in every way and how they interact and how they clash and how they ultimately aim towards the same goal is going to be an interesting relationship..."

You can check out more of Cavill's interview for the "Man of Steel" production here.  "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice" will be released to theaters on May 6, 2016.