"Game of Thrones" season four's "The Mountain & The Viper" contained the most brutal death of the series yet.

[Warning: this article contains spoilers]

Fans have waited two weeks to see how the Gods will decide Tyrion Lannister's fate in trial by combat. Tyrion had an excellent champion in Oberyn Martell: he's a skilled fighter, an expert in poison and much more agile than The Mountain. For a brief moment, the show runners let fans believe Oberyn would come out on top and Tyrion would be set free.

However, it wouldn't be "Game of Thrones" if there weren't an awful twist thrown in the mix. Oberyn is consumed with getting The Mountain to admit what he had down to is sister Elia Martell. He wanted The Mountain to admit he raped her, sliced her in half and murdered her children under Tywin Lannister's command. Oberyn strikes him down and gets cocky, believing he had killed The Mountain.

Unfortunately for Oberyn, you can't take down The Mountain that easily. While Oberyn was distracted, The Mountain gets him on his back and squeezes the life out of him. Pedro Pascal, the actor who plays Oberyn, explained to Access Hollywood how sad he was to find out the fate of his character:

"It's awful. It's heartbreaking. I love the character. I fell in love with the character and maybe that helped me play him. The first thing that helped me identify with him was actually a love for him. I found him very delicious. I also found him very, very honorable and very progressive and just an all-around badass, not because he's a great fighter and because he likes to f*** everything that moves, but because he has morals that I identify with. So it was always very hard for me to kind of like, detach myself from my own heartbreak that the character goes out the way that he goes out."