Warner Bros. has announced the official release date of the first "Harry Potter" spin-off film, "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them."

J.K. Rowling's latest work of fiction follows the story of fictional author Newt Scamander's journey as he researches the world's creatures for his novel.  During an interview with BBC, Rowling revealed it took her 12 days to write the first draft of the film's script.

The New York Times reports Rowling's "Fantastic Beast" will be made into a trilogy.  The author explained her latest work isn't necessarily a prequel or sequel to her "Harry Potter" series.

"Although it will be set in the worldwide community of witches and wizards where I was so happy for 17 years, 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them' is neither a prequel nor a sequel to the 'Harry Potter' series, but an extension of the wizarding world," Rowling revealed trilogy news first broke, according to the NY Times. "The laws and customs of the hidden magical society will be familiar to anyone who has read the 'Harry Potter' books or seen the films, but Newt's story will start in New York, 70 years before Harry's gets underway."

Rowling revealed at the time she was writing the "Fantastic Beasts" novel she was unaware Warner Bros. was interested in adapting her work again into a film. 

"When I say he made 'Fantastic Beasts' happen, it isn't P.R.-speak but the literal truth," Rowling told the NY Times. "We had one dinner, a follow-up telephone call, and then I got out the rough draft that I'd thought was going to be an interesting bit of memorabilia for my kids and started rewriting!"

According to BBC, there has yet to be an official cast announcement, but the film will be released to theaters Nov. 18, 2016.