Sony Computer Entertainment has announced the official release date of the PlayStation 4 exclusive racing title, "DRIVECLUB." Now, Sony executives are revealing the reasons behind the game's delay.

In an interview with IGN, President of SCE Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida admitted the Evolution Studios' project was particularly ambitious and needed more time to work out the issues with their title

"When we were building the original interface, we tried a lot of different technologies and they weren't quite the right fit," Yoshida told IGN "So we took it back, and used some new technologies to create a seamless and slick, instant, always-on Dynamic Menu, which basically means that you can access all your activity feeds, what's going on in your profile, what other players are doing in the game, and also interact with the Android and iOS companion apps simultaneously as well. So it's basically creating something that, whether you're racing or not racing, you're part of this Driveclub universe and can stay in touch with your friends and clubmates."

Yoshida explained there was one particular aspect of the game that the developers had an issue with, not necessarily multiple areas within the title. However, the issues were enough for the team to take a step back and realize more time was needed to bring "DRIVECLUB" up to PS4 standard.

"It wasn't that new problems cropped up, but we needed to take the time up until early 2014 to do a full assessment about where the game was at and the amount of work we'd need to do to deliver something that we originally promised," he explained to IGN. "It was only one key area that we needed the extra time for."

"In terms of the driving experience, and the tracks, we were very confident that we were already delivering something that played great, looked great and so on," Yoshida added. "Now they look better and play better, but it was just that one key area regarding social interaction between players. We wanted to make sure that come early 2014 we had a very good picture of where we were and then we could give you a solid release date that we'd definitely deliver on."

"DRIVECLUB," a PS4 exclusive title, will be release to Sony's next-gen console on Oct. 7. You can read more of IGN's interview with Yoshida here.