Free drug samples available in dermatology offices could influence prescribing practices for acne.

The researchers looked at prescribing practices for the conditions acne vulgaris and rosacea, a JAMA Network Journals news release reported.

Handing out free acne medication samples is a common practice in dermatology.

Branded generic drugs accounted for 79 percent of the prescriptions written nationally compared to 17 percent in academic medical centers that did not hand out samples. The average total retail cost of prescriptions was found to be over twice as high as the $200 average in academic medical centers alone.

"Free drug samples can alter the prescribing habits of physicians away from the use of less expensive generic medications. The benefits of free samples in dermatology must be weighed against potential negative effects on prescribing behavior and prescription costs," the researchers said, the news release reported.

The study was conducted by Michael P. Hurley, M.S., and other researchers from the  Stanford University School of Medicine, California.

 "The study was cross-sectional and did not determine causality, and no clinical outcomes were assessed. But the demonstrated association between samples and prescribing is strong and is consistent with a growing body of evidence that drug samples affect physician prescribing practices," Kenneth A. Katz, M.D., M.Sc., of the Permanente Medical Group Inc., Pleasanton, Calif., and colleagues wrote in an accompanying editorial, the news release reported.

"Hurley et al conclude their article by calling for policies to 'properly mitigate' the 'inappropriate influence on prescribing patterns.' We agree, and furthermore call on our own profession's leaders to help dermatologists recognize the lack of evidence of benefit from samples and the substantial evidence of harm to patients and the health care system," they said. "Our specialty should take a strong, united stance discouraging physicians from dispensing free drug samples in any form, including topical medications.