A baby in a stroller was abandoned at a New York City park on Sunday night, NBC News reported.

A man discovered the baby located near the park's bathrooms around 9 p.m. Officials are unsure of how long the baby, who is believed to be less than 12 months old, was left alone.

"What is a baby doing out here this time of the night in the cold?" said Michael Allen, who noticed the baby was alone from a window.

"I don't know what the intentions were," he said. "All I know is that when I looked out the window that child was there, and I just couldn't imagine who would leave their child out there that way." 

Allen said the baby was dressed in warm clothes but saw no one near the park, located in Harlem.

According to police, the parents arrived at a precinct late Monday morning and are being questioned.

A state law allows parents to leave their children at a fire station without fear of prosecution, but only if the child is left safely, NBC said. According to CBS News, the child must be under 30 days old.

The NYPD is currently investigating the incident. It is unknown if anyone will face charges and the baby is currently in custody of the Administration for Children's Services.