The Oculus VR development team has unveiled their new Oculus Rift Development Kit 2 at the Game Developers Conference 2014.

The DK2 will essentially be an update to the DK1, which according to the company's blog post came with its "shortcoming" that prevented users from getting a quality VR gaming experience.

"The second development kit features many of the key technical breakthroughs and core elements of the consumer Rift including a low-persistence, high-definition display and precise, low-latency positional head tracking," the developers explained in the blog post.

"DK2 isn't identical to the consumer Rift, but the fundamental building blocks for great VR are there," the development team continued. "All the content developed using DK2 will work with the consumer Rift. And while the overall experience still needs to improve before it's consumer-ready, we're getting closer everyday - DK2 is not the Holodeck yet, but it's a major step in the right direction."

The new DK2 will be launch in July at $350 a unit. Those who are interested in purchasing the DK2 can click here to pre-order the VR set. According to the news release, the DK2 will be produced bases on people's interest in the item.

Oculus developers will debut the DK2 at GDC 2014 in San Francisco with EVE: Valkyrie by CCP, UE4 Elemental Defense by Epic, and a new demo, UE4 Couch Knight.

"We're deep into development on the consumer Rift. We have a lot more planned, including improvements to comfort, resolution, tracking, software, ergonomics, optics, industrial design, and the overall experience," the Oculus team wrote in a blog post.

"Virtual reality is going to continue to evolve rapidly in the coming years," they added. "There's no cutting corners or 'good enough' when it comes to VR; the consumer Rift needs to be perfect and we're dedicated to getting it right. We're moving as fast as possible and promise it'll be worth the wait."