This old U.K. man learned how to swim. 86-year-old John Potter, a resident of Teeside, did this for love since his wife wanted to go on a holiday abroad.

John said that at the beginning of 2023, his beloved wife had already told him about a holiday club in Lanzarote, a Canary island off the coast of West Africa, that she wanted to visit. 

This UK Man Learns How to Swim at 86 Years Old—Receiving School's Swimmer of the Year Award!
(Photo : Gentrit Sylejmani on Unsplash)

Unfortunately, he couldn't take her there initially since the man didn't know how to swim. But this didn't stop him; even his old age couldn't limit what he could do for love.

Here's how John Potter learned to swim at an ancient age and showed the world that it isn't too late to do anything in life.

This UK Man Learns How to Swim at 86 Years Old

According to BBC News' latest report, John Potter, a former paratrooper, wanted to learn how to swim. To start his journey, he picked up the Yellow Pages and found swimming lessons offered by the Borocuda Swim School.

When he inquired at the school, he told his swimming teacher that he was a former paratrooper. He did this to inform the instructor that he already had experienced some training involving water.

This means that John Potter already has experience, such as jumping in at the deep end of military swimming baths, as well as jumping off a plane and into the sea.

However, he said that since he was too busy doing other things, he wasn't really able to learn how to swim.

"Why I didn't do it earlier, I just don't know," said the British man.

Borocuda head coach Dan Firbank said that John Potter was a very good student. Before mastering a swimming technique, they first practiced floating using buoyancy aids.

In their fourth swimming session, John was already swimming the length of the pool using breaststroke. The only issue with the 86-year-old man is that he was having issues breathing because of a cancer diagnosis in 2020.

Firbank said that many old people are inquiring about swimming lessons. However, unlike John Potter, they don't usually follow through.

"If you're 83 years old, don't think it's too late. It's never too late, give it a go," said Potter's instructor.

With his efforts, John was awarded the Borocuda Swim School's swimmer of the year.

Read Also: [VIRAL] Video of World's Loneliest Orca Swimming in Depressing Pattern Saddens Viewers

When is Best Time to Learn Swimming? 

This UK Man Learns How to Swim at 86 Years Old—Receiving School's Swimmer of the Year Award!
(Photo : B Mat an gelo on Unsplash)

There's no age limit when learning swimming (as long as your physical body can handle it). 

But, the Wave Aquatic & Fitness Center said that it would still be best to learn how to swim during the age when learning is second nature.

This will also help you avoid fears that often hold back adults since fear is less influential during that age. 

In general, many swimmers (especially those who become professionals) start swimming at four years old and above.

But learning to swim is also a great activity during your teen and adolescent years.

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