The European Union (EU) has set sights on blocking the sun to combat climate change.

A document, which Bloomberg obtained, revealed that the bloc plans to assess the geoengineering route.

EU Considers to Block the Sun to Fight Climate Change

(Photo : ANDRE PAIN/AFP via Getty Images)
Exterior view taken on May 4, 2023 shows European flags fluttering in front of the European Central Bank (ECB) prior to a press conference on the eurozone's monetary policy, in Frankfurt am Main, western Germany

As per Bloomberg New, the EU is considering a radical new plan to fight climate change: blocking out the sun.

The EU is set to join the international movement to look into possible ways to fight climate change. To do so, they are looking into methods, which deflect the sun's rays to address the warming temperature.

On Wednesday, the European Union plans to showcase the framework that will assess the problems that the warming climate leaves behind. It includes issues such as scarcity of food and water, which could lead to widespread migration.

And on top of that, the assessment also looks into the possible issues that atmosphere re-engineering methods could bring.

A document, which Bloomberg obtained, says, "These technologies introduce new risks to people and ecosystems, while they could also increase power imbalances between nations, spark conflicts and raise a myriad of ethical, legal, governance and political issues."

According to Fox News, the tech is aptly called solar rotation modification. The EU plans to study this groundbreaking innovation as it considers using it to fight climate change in the region.

EU's upcoming assessment plans to weigh the pros and cons of geoengineering since it may trigger dangerous issues along the way.

The idea, which is still in the early stages of development, would involve using a fleet of balloons to spray a fine mist of reflective particles into the stratosphere. It would create a thin veil that would block some of the sun's rays from reaching the Earth, ideally cooling the planet's atmosphere.

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Blocking the Sun to Stop Climate Change?

(Photo : JOHN MACDOUGALL/AFP via Getty Images)
Berlin, GERMANY: The sun sets behind Berlin's Brandenburg Gate as a EU flag flies 24 March 2007, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome. 

It is worth noting that the EU is not the first to consider this idea.

As The Daily Beast reports, the White House is also looking to take this route. Last October 13, the United States (US) Government announced that it funded a five-year-research plan, which looks into the proposal of using geoengineering to fight climate change. It involves using methods that artificially alter the climate on our home planet.

Some experts are pushing for geoengineering to fight the worsening climate crisis.

However, critics warn that the artificial method ruins the rain patterns, among other side effects. They also believe that geoengineering veers away from the root problem, which triggers the rapid global warming, none other than the widespread emissions.

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