French Leader Calls on European Union to Scour Joe Biden for Opportunistic Reasons that Blemishes the Beijing Olympics with Politics
(Photo : GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT/AFP via Getty Images)

French leader Emmanuel Macron is spearheading the European Union's answer to the naked attempt by Joe Biden to politicize the Beijing Olympics as an extension of its ongoing tension with China.

Observers say that Washington is inappropriate to weaponize boycotting the winter Olympics to further its selfish agenda.

Since the loss of Afghanistan, the US has been seen as less than a shadow itself the current White House and is trying vainly to repair its tattered international reputation.

Keeping the Olympic spirit

President Macron spoke on Thursday and said the US boycott is unwanted politicking of the sporting event. Instead, he wants to work with the International Olympic Committee to keep athletes safe, and so-called symbolic boycotts are unnecessary, reported the Express UK.

The French leader stated that the Olympics is beyond the politicization of any nation or government. He added the world stage deserves more respect than any head of state grandstanding.

Mr. Biden said America is back in the G7 Summit, but many don't see it. The three nations are not attending and boycotting the quarterly sports, including the United States, Australia, and Great Britain. It's because the trio snubbed the China sponsored event to protest its human rights record cited Reuters.

In a scheduled meeting, EU's foreign affairs ministers will go over the issue at Brussel, and the US will be snubbed for its blatant action. Coincidentally the three boycotting nations are part of the AUKUS deal that robbed Brussels and Paris of a billion-dollar defense deal.

According to Politico, one EU diplomat is not pressured to side with the US. The source added there aren't too many rushing to support the faulty US position. The French leader and the European Union will support the Beijing Winter Olympics and snub the US.

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Boycott would have "no impact"

China expected the boycott of the US as nothing, no domino effect or even the diplomatic outrage, last Thursday. There are four nations, including Canada joining the anti-Chinese bandwagon.

The US announced the boycott last Monday, and government officials will not go there on the dates of February 4-20 due to the atrocities committed in the Xinjiang province.

Wang Wenbin of the Foreign Ministry said an expected domino effect when interviewed by the press.He cited that many nations uphold the spirit of the Beijing Winter Olympics and support it. Joe Biden is getting bitter rebuke again like the Fall of Afghanistan.

The US relationship with its allies has gone downhill, led by Washington, worse under President Joe Biden. The current US administration is not relenting on China and its issues, from human rights violations to the South China Sea claims.

Mr. Wang said the United Nations, last December 2, ratified a resolution that called an Olympic Truce with 170 plus members. Forgo politics and be one in the Beijing Olympics, but the White and its allies are better than the whole world.

Several high-profile world leaders will be there, and even royal family members, said Wang. Russian President Vladimir Putin said he'll be there to support an Olympic celebration.

Like the Chinese representative says, the US and the other protesters will regret what they have done trying to subvert the event for their end.

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