Despite the restrictions, Indonesian markets are still selling live animals or meat of slaughtered bats, canines, rats that might spread SARS-CoV-2. These species, though not verified to cause the disease, are still a danger to look out for, but the threat seems to be ignored. 

When the outbreak started in China, the Wuhan market was shut down to prevent the possible spread of the virus. This includes the sale of live animals as well to lessen the reoccurrence like the year before.

Scientists were arguing if the virus were from bats sold in Wuhan or if the virus jumped to humans through other animals like pangolins, but it was never resolved.

As more COVID variants are discovered, having these markets are considered a risk that another variant will arise. But the consequence of selling such animal products is oblivious to merchants and buyers.

The clear and present danger

Despite the pleas of the World Health Organization (WHO), investigators in Sulawesi, Indonesia where sellers offer bats, rats, pigs, dogs, frogs, snakes, chickens, and ducks in the place, reported the Independent.

These animals were crammed into cages or were tied up, either blowtorched by the vendor. Souvenir chicks were sold with dyed bright colors for pets, although the chicks would probably die after getting sold as faux pets.

Investigators found out that the Indonesian markets are still selling live animals or meat of slaughtered bats, canines, and rats. These stores never closed as told by sources to investigators from the animal welfare organization Four Paws. This comes as surprise as the WHO has said such markets pose a danger during the pandemic, noted the Daily Advent.

Read also: COVID-19: Is the Virus Evolving to be More Fatal to Humans?

According to experts, such conditions are unsanitary in most live animal markets, and it is conveniently ignored that diseases from animals going to humans are a severe risk that may create worse viruses unknowingly.

Stress is a killer for both humans and animals, keeping them caged will cause high levels of anxiety that makes them more receptive to disease. This condition makes it possible to acquire a virus, passable to humans.

Those who saw the conditions in the three markets called it cruel.

The animal markets

In the Langowan market and Karombasan markets, many bats, dogs, and birds were sold. The Beriman market had more animals for sale like rodents, snakes, and dyed chicks that were utterly inhumane and brutal treatment of animals. Dogs were waiting to be killed before served as meat, all stuck in small cages.

Four Paws said the vendors were unsanitary without protective gear, handling both dead and live animals. Stalls had chopped animal parts, with blood and maggots all over the floor, cited Headtopics.

An investigator said that more concerns over the pandemic wherein one factor affecting it is the treatment of animals. He said taht the cruel and untidy conditions, harsh treatment will spread animal fluids and waste as a breeding ground for zoonotic pathogens.

Researchers are cautioning that live stock for consumption in cramp markets and farms could be a source of pandemic disease.

Related also: WHO Team in Wuhan Finds New Data, Thinks Coronavirus Might Have Escaped from Lab