With the rising incidents of UFO spotting, North and South America were considered to be the only targets of the phenomenon. However, the UFO and alien sightings have been expanded and this time the mystery has entangled the country of Turkey.
Residents across the country went wild on their respective social media accounts where they described the mysterious occurrence. The alleged UFO sighting was reported through Twitter where countless observers posted images using hashtag #ufoattacktoturkey.
My location is Ankara. What is this? Is it really ufo? I am so afraid. I hope this is a joke. #ufoattacktoturkey pic.twitter.com/EBrUuehx1H
— Ayaklı Gazete (@IlaydaSasmazz) November 27, 2016
Some of the UFO enthusiasts were even convinced that the alien invasion and collective apocalypse is imminent.
Newest #ufoattacktoturkey images from Twitter pic.twitter.com/BLgAPRcx9G — Secure Team (@SecureTeam10) November 28, 2016
A well-known UFO hunter's team known as 'SecureTeam 10' created a frenzy when they posted the footage of the unidentified object on YouTube.
However, the jaw-dropping UFO sighting in Turkey has been labelled as a hoax. UFO expert Scott Brando went under the obvious details and analyzed the situation, just to see whether the sightings are credible or not. And as per Doubtful News, the conclusion was deemed as fraud.
The platform establishes that most of the images as part of the hoax are actually taken from the previous, fake UFO sightings that happened in Italy and Chile.
As for now, Turkey remains safe from an imminent alien invasion. Brando came to a conclusion which states that SecureTeam 10 is "worst" among other platforms who fabricate UFO related stories. Brando also proved that the pictures that are doing rounds in the media are originally from old sources such as incidences in South America and did not come from Turkey at all.
"I immediately remembered these old sightings. This is an old Italian case I know very well. It was a launch of a little hot air balloon to celebrate one of the patron saints. And this one was over Santiago in Chile: it's the Chilean Air Force that usually performs several activities and ceremonies to celebrate anniversaries and new air school graduates."