A UFO was spotted following President elect Donald Trump's chopper during one of his campaigns. Some people have witnessed a certain flying object and are left wondering what that object was following Donald Trump's helicopter as it flew in Iowa during one of his election campaigns.

As reported on Express.Co.UK, a certain citizen, who chose not be named, captured the certain object believed to be UFO closely following Trump's chopper as it carried a group of kids over the Iowa state fair.

The witness later reported this UFO sighting to the US national UFO database. He said that Donald Trump was currently at the Iowa state fair giving the children a ride in his chopper while they were walking down the street heading to the fair.

Then he noticed that Trump's helicopter was flying overhead so he quickly got his phone and took a photo of the chopper. Then he did not notice it first while he snapped the picture. Later, when he was already sitting in the shade, he decided to get his phone to check the photo he just took. Then he was surprised that a certain object was following Donald Trump's helicopter.

As the object appears to be different, experts claimed that it's indeed a UFO and proves that aliens are watching the race for America's 45th president. Is this UFO can also be linked to Trump's victory as the 45th president of the United States?

However, the Iowa Mutual UFO Network is already investigating on the said UFO sighting. Representative from the said network said that the object could also be just a second helicopter or could be a bird. But still, other way, these claims are not proven also as there is a need for photo analysis to determine what the object really is.

Meanwhile, President-elect Donald Trump just won the US presidential election that makes him the 45th President of the "free world country" and the thought that the UFO tailing his chopper related to his victory is somewhat trivial.