Whether there are aliens on Mars has been an intriguing question for people from the scientific community located across the globe. A new set of photographs released by NASA's Curiosity Rover suggests that aliens on Mars may be much more technologically advanced than humans on Earth.

Aliens on Mars have hidden their technology among rocks on the surface of the red planet, according to Morning News USA. The photo of the extraterrestrial technology was captured by NASA's Curiosity Rover on Nov. 2, Wednesday.

A number of photographs captured by NASA's Curiosity Rover in the past have been hailed as the proof of existence of alien life on Mars. However, the recent photograph of technology has created a stir among conspiracy theorists, who believe that aliens are much more advanced and intelligent than human species.

The picture clicked by Martian rover shows some mechanical object sitting on top of flat rock formations. The object seems too symmetrical to be formed from just natural weathering of rock.

According to conspiracy theorists Scott C. Waring of UFO Sightings Daily, the photograph of the weird object on Mars is proof enough that a technological civilization does exist on Mars. Waring further claims that this fact is already known to NASA.

Waring has also accused NASA of releasing only low resolution images to the public that lack clarity. This is a step to prevent public from knowing facts about alien life and to keep them away from being able to discover anything extraterrestrial in the photographs.

However, people from the scientific community argue that there is a reason why only small files and small amount of data is transmitted from Curiosity Rover on Mars to Earth. Firstly, the distance prevents large data from being sent to Earth and secondly, the rover was designed with an objective to investigate the Martian land and not focus on just single, weird object.

But a majority of people around the world rely on images released by NASA to find clues to alien life. The story will remain the same until a manned mission is planned to the red planet.