Could Brad Pitt be suffering from a mysterious disease?

The handsome, powerful actor does seem to be harboring something, definitely. Otherwise, why would he visit a top infectious-disease specialist in Beverly Hills?

Said an inside source regarding the events of that morning: "Brad arrives at the medical building very early in the morning. It's before the office opens to receive other patients, likely so Brad won't be recognized or seen by anyone. He comes in by 7:30 a.m and a staffer lets him in."

However, when Pitt arrived at the building's closed parking lot, it was early morning, and the building was closed. He just sat for a while in his car until a staffer came to the building. She let herself in with a card key, but then got the shock of her life when the security gate opened and Pitt dashed in behind her.

However, as she did not know who was behind her, she just stopped the car and called the security.

"Much to her surprise, it was Brad Pitt! A security guard rushed over and chewed out Brad for sneaking in behind another car. He got a real tongue-lashing!"

Having been devastated, the celebrity had already canceled a number of public appearances so far. But what makes him enter the office of an infectious disease specialist?

Certainly nothing very pretty. It is reported that on Oct. 18, a couple of FBI agents had interviewed Jolie and their kids regarding the incident on a private plane on Sept. 14. It is said that he had been boozed-up then, which made him get physical with Maddox.

Involved in the abuse allegations, the Department of Child and Family Services worried that he might collapse due to the stress.

"Brad stood by Angie and supported her when she went through a double mastectomy and a hysterectomy," said a source. "But now he may be forced to face his own health issues - without any support from his estranged wife or the kids he adores."

Even though Angelina said that she initiated the divorce as she had been concerned about the health of the family, things seem to be cracking up for Pitt. His health is a source of stress for everyone involved.