Amazon Echo, a smart home appliance which is ten inch tall cylindrical shaped device which has the amazing features like Wifi, stream music from external devices and has Bluetooth speaker capabilities.

Amazon Echo takes head-to-head against Google Home with the below mentioned features,

Control a smart home: The smartness of Amazon Echo is beyond the expectations of the user. Amazon Echo is so well developed that any smart home tasks given to Amazon personnel assistant Alexa is fulfilled. Though a rented house, user can fulfill the wishes what is needed for smart home with the help of Amazon Echo.

Hooking up to smart devices like Philips hue lights, smart thermostat Nest or Ecobee3 or many more can be controlled by Amazon Echo through voice commands from user to Alexa. Lights and temperature controlling are the ones which are most likely used to settle the mood of the user.

Play songs by voice commands: Amazon Echo is well versed device having plenty of music for the users who love the music. A voice command from the user for any track available in Amazon's library will be sensed by Alexa and then played.

The Amazon's library is filled up with the songs uploaded to Amazon Cloud Drive by the user. The storage of the Amazon's library is big enough to store more songs than what is expected.

If the user has enabled for unlimited pay and access accounts, user can directly command an order to Alexa with the name of the song or artist which the user wishes to listen. 

User's kitchen assistant: Users can now take the help of Amazon Echo in the kitchen to kick start their boring lazy cooking activity. Amazon Echo will help the user convert measurements and units, set the timers when hooked up to smart cooking devices and much more.

The Amazon's Echo Alexa reads Dump Dinners: The Absolute Best Dump Dinners Cookbook with 75 Amazingly Easy Recipes to the user anytime.

User's important information: User can command Amazon Echo for weather update and other important information needed. The user can request the time, temperature and other things related to other cities irrespective of the Amazon Echo location.

Amazon Echo is the current trend maker for the smart home appliance with finest personnel assistant Alexa boosting it.