A surprise and jaw dropping scenario has showed up as according to a UFO hunter, a 10-km long UFO alien mothership has been spotted parked on moon's land.

Although such pictures and content are rarely released by the NASA itself, because of the never-ending threatening claims made regarding alien life, the images were leaked out accidentally. UFO hunter Scott Waring maintained that the Apollo 15 accidentally released the photos.

According to Waring, there is a 10-km long UFO Mothership, which is clearly docked on the surface of the moon. Waring also maintains that NASA had no such intention to release the photos. But due to human error, the images were unveiled.

According to the details, the UFO Mothership rested near the Waterman Crater on the farthest edge of moon. According to Waring, the situation was not easy to understand extensively and the sky watchers were not able to witness it clearly because the far edge is not easily accessible from watching it from the earth.

However, despite latest speculations, Waring maintained that NASA was pretty well acquainted with the presence of UFO Mothership on the moon since the Apollo 15 mission. NASA had known this scenario for years, but had covered it in order to avoid any lunar controversies, which are a top topic these days.

The NASA employee who is now under severe criticism probably had no idea that he is about to make public some classified documents. Others believe that he might be acting as a whistleblower for NASA. Regardless, the A-listed images of a gigantic UFO Mothership on the moon's surface are now accessible to public.

According to Inquisitr, the panoramic view of the Mothership from the Apollo 15 mission shows the huge object parked near the waterman Crater in the area of the 185-kilometre Tsiolkovisky Crater.

The UFO Mothership resembles the USS Voyager from Star Trek in an Apollo 15 photo. The accidental drop of photos from NASA sheds light on why NASA decided to cancel Apollo mission 18 to 20. NASA claims it was due to the lack of funds. However, there is definitely more to it. UFO hunters believe that NASA is not allowing people to visit the moon because it is already occupied by extra-terrestrial beings on moon.