Whether there is life outside Earth is a big questions that the scientists have been trying to solve since many decades now. However, a new claim by UFO hunters suggest that there could be life forms on moon, indicating that aliens exist in Milky Way galaxy and far beyond that.

Scott Waring of ufosightingsdaily.com has recovered a weird picture, which was not intended to be revealed. This picture shows an alienship or a UFO mothership abandoned on the other side of the moon, near the Waterman Crater.

This side of the moon has always remained under disguise since people on Earth cannot see it directly. This is the reason why sky gazers and UFO hunters may have missed watching alienships traveling to and from from the moon.

Waring further accuses NASA of knowing all the details about the abandoned alien mothership, but not revealing any details about it to anyone. The conspiracy theorist also claims that NASA decided to cancel Apollo missions 18 to 20 because the owners of this 10.6km long alien vessel asked humans to go back to Earth and never return.

The humans could not do anything in front of highly-advances alien species and they never tried to invade moon after that. However, NASA stated previously that they are canceling the mission because of lack of funds.

Waring argues that NASA could have easily scrutinized the alien ship and looked for evidence of new technology that they could take back on Earth. However, the American space agency decided to stay back from the UFO as it was huge and much more powerful than what people and Earth can imagine.

According to Nature World News, Waring believes that NASA is continuously hiding facts about alien life from the public as it is nearly impossible not to spot something this huge in one of the official photographs. The image being referred here belongs to the set of Apollo 15 panoramic images.