NASA's 15 days of darkness in November 2016 rumor has surfaced on the internet again, just like 2015. However, people should know that there will be a spectacular celestial event taking place in November, and that's all about it.

Some reports surfaced the internet this week, claiming that NASA believes that there will be 15 days of total darkness in November 2016. The apocalyptic darkness is rumored to take place between Nov. 15 and Nov. 29. The same rumors surfaced in 2015 as well.

However, it is just a plain hoax, according to Morning News USA. Even NASA has released a statement saying that the rumors are completely untrue and that there will be no 15 days of complete darkness in November.

People have been urged to stay away from this fake news, which was fir initiated by a blog called Bored Mind. NASA says that such an event has not impacted Earth in at least past one million years, and is not expected to happen in the coming years.

People claim that 15 days of darkness in November 2016 attribute to a natural celestial event known as "parallelism" of Jupiter and Venus. Scientists believe that it may put up spectacular, yet weird celestial shows, but it would not result in even a single day of total darkness.

The parallelism, also called as "conjunction" of Venus and Jupiter, results when the two planets come really close. The proximity is so close that the two planets are just "one-fifteenth of a degree" apart during conjunction.

However, scientists believe that it is just another celestial phenomenon and not a rare event that may result in darkness on Earth. Apart from this celestial event, there are a number of other celestial shows that people should look forward to in November, rather than fearing 15 days of darkness. Taurids meteor shower and Leonid meteor showers are two such events.