Cancer has plagued humanity ever since its dawn. However, with the help of nuclear technology, we are one step closer to discovering the cure for cancer.

With the help of the new discovery that uses nuclear imaging tests, a more accurate analysis can be done leading to better treatment. The whole process is about combining the radioactive isotopes with special molecules. These molecules are the ones that spot the cancer cells.

The Food and Drug Administration has just approved two tests. The first test was able to show that prostate cancer cells are traceable. The second test discovers that neuroendocrine cells are highly likely to develop into tumors.

Medical Breakthrough in Treating Cancer

Blue Earth Diagnostics Ltd. that is based in Oxford, England was the company that created the imaging technology named as the Axumin. The new imaging agent was first used commercially in  September at an Atlanta hospital.

With the help of the new imaging agent, prostate cancer can now be located in a very quick manner and may then lead to faster prevention and treatment. Locating cancer in the cellular level is indeed a living proof that scientists are doing the best of what it can to improve human expectancy rate by possibly even terminating cancer in the future.

Nuclear Imaging Increases Human Lifespan

Genetic testing is also one way of looking for the passed down gene mutations from the parents. This will help in determining the level of risk present on the person who acquires the gene.

With this, one can then say that nuclear technology is not only about warfare, but also can be used for the good of all - medicine. Nuclear imaging provides us a better insight as to the prevention and treatment of the various cancers that one might have.