It gave us a main character to root for, a new villain each week, and mysteries that we're still waiting to uncover. There's a reason "The Blacklist" is called the best new show on televi. Here's my review:


James Spader will most likely win an award for his performance as former government-agent-turned-national-traitor Raymond Reddington. I will admit when I saw the preview for this show I thought, "Aww man this is going to be another boring procedural show." Boy, was I wrong. Yes, each week we got a new villain but at the same we got so much more. Each week there was always the chance Red would interact with the villain in unexpected ways. We watched as Lizzie fought against her desire for no connection with Red while also needing him for answers. We watched Agent Ressler despise Red but feel disrespected every time the criminal genius didn't want to work with him. Finally, we watched as Red continually made a fool of Assistant Director Cooper. In addition to the villain's we saw each week and the fun we had watching Red take them down, there's also the mysteries we are still trying to figure out. The mysteries - Tom, Lizzie's real father, Lucy Brooks, Mr. Fitch and his organization - are arguably the biggest thing that brings the approximately 11 million viewers back for more and more.


Let's be honest - it's kind of hard to find something wrong with this show. The only thing I would have liked to see a bit more of is, tactical Red. We got to see Red all gunned-out during the finale two episodes. A little bit more of that version of Red would have been nice - but I'm definitely splitting hairs.

Have anything to add or disagree with anything? Let me know in the comments below.

"The Blacklist" returns Jan. 13 on NBC.

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