Jamie Dornan, who plays the role of Christian Grey, in the hit movie Fifty Shades of Grey, confirmed the possibility of him doing a full frontal nude scene for the Fifty Shades Darker. Fans of the erotic movie are extremely excited to see Jamie Dornan strip down just as what Dakota Johnson did for the first movie of the series. 

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Jamie was asked about whether or not the viewers of the movie will be able to see his "manhood". The actor responded, "The truth is that I don't know the answer to that. You'll have to wait and see."  

That did not exactly provide a clear answer to the question, However, it did confirm that the actor already filmed a nude scene. He is just most probably unsure if the specific scene will be included in the theatrical cut of the Fifty Shade Darker.

Jamie Dornan also mentioned in the same interview that filming Fifty Shade Darker as the second franchise of the movie Fifty Shades of Grey is more comfortable as compared to the first one. As per Dornan, filming Fifty Shades of Grey has a lot of pressure than the second one.

"I felt more comfortable the second time around. There was a lot of pressure the first time. I think when you're making the first film of any franchise there is a lot of pressure in terms of setting a tone and the way it's shot and the way it's played and finding your feet with it."

He continued saying, "It was very strange that I came into that job six weeks before they started filming, which is totally unheard of in a franchise of that size -- and not the way you want to go into any job, really.

This time I felt I had a lot more time on my hands. And the pressure seemed to be off a bit with every department because the first one made so much money. Everyone was in a better place about it. So it was definitely a better experience."

On the other hand, Fifty Shade Darker new cast includes Kim Basinger as the ex-lover of Christian Grey named Elena Lincoln. Eric Johnson is also on board to play the role of Jack Hyde as one of Grey's rivals in business.

 Fifty Shades Darker and Fifty Shades Freed are both being directed by the House Of Card director James Foley. 

Stay tuned as we bring you more of your Fifty Shades Darker updates!