Amid series of requirements to present the trial tools to accomplish the needed jailbreak procedures, tech experts believed that the rumored October launch is very much possible.

It can be remembered that a number of third-party developers admitted that they now have a working version of an iOS 10 jailbreak.

A WCCFTech report mentioned that an independent developer successfully cracked the latest beta seed used in the new iOS platform. To somehow prove this, a video showing the jailbreak version of the iOS 10 using an iPhone 5 was uploaded by the developer.

Although the reports can be regarded as good news to those who are using jailbreaks, many industry experts strongly believe that the release of iOS 10 will take some time and the rumored launch in October might only be a placeholder date.

This is because the iPhone 5 used in the uploaded video is a 32-bit device suggesting that the development of a jailbreak version for the 64-bit flagships is still needed.

In addition to that, it is still uncertain if the jailbreak developers will continue working on the iOS 9.3 or not, given that its recent released has become irrelevant.

It was also reported that the iOS 9.3.3 is the last major update that will take place prior to the iOS 10 but Apple recently released the major iOS 9.3.5. Thus, all the reports claiming that the iOS 10 jailbreak will be released this October remains uncertain.