What terrible thing hasn't happened to Tony DiNozzo over the course of his NCIS career? He nearly died of the plague. He was framed for murder and tortured with truth serum. The "very" special agent is in trouble again when his identity is stolen on the next episode of "NCIS."

Multiple perpetrators steal Tony's (Michael Weatherly) identity and begin blackmailing senators as fake Special Agent DiNozzos. The real DiNozzo tracks the identity hackers down and finds quite the odd couple - a "Tall Tony" and a "Tiny Tony."

Adam Mayfield will guest star as the taller Tony and Ben Giroux will play the shorter Tony. Despite their height differences, they both appear to have DiNozzo's big appetite.

Weatherly will soon say farewell to his character Tony DiNozzo, who he has played for all 13 seasons of "NCIS." The remaining episode will give a greater focus to the senior agent, starting in the last episode that saw Robert Wagner reprise his role as Anthony DiNozzo Sr., Tony's father.

"We're having a lot of fun with that," executive producer Gary Glasberg said about the stolen identity episode. "Then from Episodes 303 to 306, we're really ramping up to the finale. We're 100 percent conscious of wanting to deliver everything that fans want from this storyline, and everything that we can in terms of Tony's exit and what that means to everybody."

In addition to Wagner's return, "NCIS" also welcomed back Scottie Thompson as Tony's ex-girlfriend, Jeanne Benoit, for a couple episodes. Tony will get at least one more interaction with Senior FBI Agent Fornell when Joe Spano returns in the April 19 episode.

The one reunion "NCIS" fans most want but likely won't get is Tony and his former partner, Ziva David, played by Cote de Pablo. Tony and Ziva may not get their moment in the sun, but the ex-Mossad officer will be at least alluded to in Weatherly's final episodes.

"You can't have Tony leave the show and not get into that in some respect," Glasberg said, "so plan on it being discussed and handled, even if it's in background."

"NCIS" returns on Tuesday, March 30 at 8 p.m. on CBS.