Cafes are amazing. There's a reason that people flock to them in droves to meet friends for coffee, to work in a nice environment with coffee and pastries, and or just to get a great coffee drink to go.

The best part of cafes, of course, is the coffee. People often think that cafe-level cappuccinos, macchiatos, lattes and espresso aren't achievable at home, but that couldn't be more wrong!

The main ingredient in all of these beverages is espresso and steamed and foamed milk, both of which can be made easily at home without any expensive equipment. If you have an espresso machine, awesome, but if you're looking for a cheaper solution, look no further than Moka pots. These small and simple Italian machines make amazing espresso and only cost $25 - roughly the price of 5 cappuccinos. The espresso it makes is a perfect base for lattes, cappuccinos and more.

We'll show you two ways to get perfect milk foam in just a minute or two without a steamer or a milk frother, and then we'll explain the proportions that go into your favorite beverages.

It's important to use at least 2 percent milk, and whole milk is best. The fat helps the foam form and stay fluffy.

Method 1: Microwave and Jar

Fill a jar halfway with whole milk and shake it up for 30-60 seconds, until it doubles in volume. Remove the lid and microwave it for 30 seconds. Boom! You've got foam.

Method 2: Jar and Whisk

If you don't have a microwave, don't worry! Take a jar and fill it a third of the way with whole milk. Pop a whisk inside, and, rotating it by moving it back and forth between your hands, whisk it up for about a minute. You'll see significant foam forming. Swirl the jar and tap it on the counter to get rid of the biggest bubbles. Foam!

Once you've got your milky foam, use a big spoon to hold back the foam as you pour the hot milk into your espresso. Then spoon on as much foam as you please!

A latte is a shot of espresso, roughly two shots worth of warm milk, and a big dollop of foam.

A cappuccino is a shot of espresso topped with about one shot of warm milk and lots of foam.

A macchiato is just a shot of espresso topped with a dollop of foam.

A cortado is a shot of espresso with a tiny drizzle of milk (roughly a tablespoon) and a dollop of foam.