If you're anything but a gym bunny or gym bro, chances are you haven't really managed to love exercise. Many fitness programs promise that you'll get addicted as soon as you get started, but we've found that it's not a particularly strong addiction and it's pretty easy to quit.

In fact, many people come up with excuses almost daily as to why they can't be bothered to exercise. Maybe work wears you out too much. Maybe you don't have gym clothes or you don't want to spend money on a gym membership. All of these concerns are valid, but the No. 1 excuse used to avoid exercise - "I don't have time!" - is an easy one to debunk.

If you work out in the morning, it'll be over with by the time you get to work. Doing a short workout of 20 minutes means you only have to wake up half an hour earlier, so set a bunch of alarms and try to fit it into your routine. You'll be amazed at how easy it is to work out three times per week if you get it done right after you wake up.

Here are five benefits of exercising in the morning:

1. Your afternoons will be free, and you won't have to make plans around your evening workout. The evening is all for you to see your friends, family or partner, or to rejuvenate with some calm alone time. By the time the evening rolls around, you'll have already exercised and you'll be free to say yes to any plan that presents itself.

2. Your memory and focus will be sharper. A University of British Columbia study showed that regular exercise helps memory, mood and sleep.

3. You'll have more energy for the day, and you'll be more energetic throughout the workout. This spike in energy will contribute to your sharper focus and generally happier outlook throughout the day. A morning workout also takes advantage of the fact that your pump-up hormones, like testosterone, are higher in the morning.

4. It'll boost your metabolism for the day. You'll feel more free to treat yourself with a small indulgence if you know you've earned it. It's all about balance!

5. You'll face the day with a rush of endorphins. It's no secret - exercise makes you happy. Arriving at work having already exercised is the best way to face the day.