Mornings are hard. Many people struggle to find time to shower and eat before running out the door, let alone fit in an exercise routine or a bout of meditation. However, there are several ways to become a little bit more of a morning person. You'll feel better and won't find yourself staring at the clock at work, waiting for lunch and then the end of the day so you can make it back to bed.

Try out some of these tips that will help you increase productivity and keep your mind at peace.

1. First thing in the morning, think about the end of the day.

The question to ask yourself is: "The day is over and I am leaving the office with a tremendous sense of accomplishment. What have I achieved?" says author Ron Friedman.

2. Leave your emails unread until you're ready to answer them.

David Karp, the founder of Tumblr, says that the best way to go about starting your day is not stressing over emails in bed. He leaves them for when he's at his desk, ready to answer. He combs through all emails, writing down a to-do list at the same time, and then gets to answering.

3. Drink a glass of water with a whole lemon squeezed into it.

It kick-starts your digestion, wakes you up, curbs your ravenous morning hunger and leaves you feeling fresh.

4. Meditate.

Apps like Breathe and Headspace can help you fit meditation into your modern, fast-paced life, and will help you face the day more calmly.

5. Eat breakfast.

You've heard it before and we'll say it again. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It's good for you. Get inspired and make breakfast ahead of time if you're rushed in the mornings.

6. Make "Tomorrow Lists."

At the end of every day, pick three things you want to do tomorrow. Read over yesterday's list once you've gotten dressed.

7. Text a friend some encouragement.

Reaching out will get them off to a good start, and will make you feel great as well.

8. Read.

If you can fit 10 minutes of reading into your morning, be it in bed as a way to ease into the day, or on your commute, it'll get your brain moving.