Got an old shirt, some unused and disfigured wire hangers and a cardboard box lying around the house? Gather all of these together and create a cat tent. The whole process only takes five minutes, according to Instructables.

Aside from the mentioned supplies, you will also need some pins and tape to secure the cat tent. If everything is prepared, follow the three process below:

1. Wire Hangers.

You'll need two of these. Cut the hangers by the hook and straighten them so that they stretch into two long wires. Then, carefully bend to create an arch. Hold one over the other with a tape or whatever you want to use to secure it in the middle. This will be the tent's support.

2. Cardboard.

Cut an ideal size for the tent's base. It should be big enough to fit your feline friend, but also consider the fitting for the arch. Then cover the edges of the cardboard with tape. Poke holes on each of the side that's big enough to insert the hanger wires. Once the wires are inserted, seal and secure this with tape underneath. You now have the cat tent's frame.

3. T-shirt.

Go with a medium or large size shirt for a spacious tent. Slide the shirt into the frame with the neck hole set to the front side. This will serve as the "door." Secure the shirt's sleeves and edges by pinning these at the bottom side. Make sure that there are no other holes except the door.

You're done in three steps and your cat has a new tent to use and love! The tent is pretty helpful too as cats find enclosed spaces soothing.

For more cat hacks or tips, read:  Stress: Relaxation Techniques To Reduce Stress Adapted From Cats (INFOGRAPHIC) and Cat Care: 8 Brilliant Cat Hacks To Make Every Cat Owner's Life Easier.