LAST TIME: Shanae got jumped by Steph and Gigi and left the club, soon followed by Andrea, who found the drama too much to handle, making her the seventh cast member to leave this season, and it looks like there may be an eighth this week!

So while this season has been pretty disappointing and filled with way too much jumping and group-think, there are only a couple of episodes left until the reunion, which I've heard involves Tanisha Thomas pulling a girl off of another to prevent more said jumping.

We open this week on a sunny day in Miami, the remaining girls getting ready for their trip to Peurto Rico. While they're excited, they anticipate two new girls arriving upon their return, which...well, of course.

Last time it was Andrea who greeted them, and this time, it looks like they won't be taking kindly to the eighth "replacement."

When they arrive, the girls get a personal ride to a restaurant, where they immediately start drinking and flirting with the waiter and getting fed crab legs in a creepily sexual manner by the owner. They also enter their temporary new pad, which is decked out Bad Girls Club style and has an amazing view of the beach.

The girls go out that night on a booze cruise, and since there's no drama between the current cast, this trip is going to be party and music montages. While no one turned up to the booze cruise, the girls have fun anyway and get really drunk and spend the night dancing.

It's pretty much the same s**t they do in Miami, except they keep screaming, "Peurto Ricooooo!"

After the cruise they head to a club and Tiana freaks out over a cockroach in the VIP section so they leave, and there's more filler footage of everyone shrieking over the giant Peurto Rican insects.

The next day the girls head to the rainforest and Gigi and Steph help Tiana practice her Spanish on the way over. The rainforest tour involves ziplining and a chance to swim in a natural pool, and Tiana has a panic attack over jumping in but does it anyway.


The next day the girls go snorkeling on a yacht, which of course involves more drinking and partying and yelling, "Peurto Rico!" And even after all of that, they head over to a nightclub to continue immersing themselves in local culture.

Benze decides to antagonize the new girl when they get back to Miami, because she's the "new girl," or whatever, because reasons. And Oxygen really better crack down on this next season because the ganging up on the "replacement" season after season for no reason is getting beyond tiring.

In the limo on the way home from the airport, the girls start hyping themselves up for some more contrived drama.

To their dismay, there is no one greeting them at home to gang up on, so they go out to yet another club, where Benze meets some guys as the other girls look on jealously, or at least that's how it edited to seem.  Tiana is annoyed that there's a guy in their VIP for some reason and calls Benze a hot mess in her talking-head, even though she's far from it.

The next morning, the new girl's picture appears on one of the blank screens, and the girls immediately start criticizing her appearance. 

As it turns out, the new girl is named Hailey, a 21-year-old party girl from Texas with a ton of confidence. She knows she's going into the house with a target on her back, but insists she isn't scared.

As soon as she walks in, she's met with haughty expressions and silence.  She's excited that she gets her own room with two beds, as the other girl has yet to arrive, and her positive attitude is already irritating Benze.

Hailey tries to get to know the girls, but they remain cold and indifferent towards her, making snippy comments and acting rude for no reason other than that they're "over it." I mean, you wanted Shanae gone...

Nonetheless, Hailey does her best to get them to talk to her and take shots with her, and I commend her on maintaining a bubbly attitude through all of this.

Once again, the girls get out the baby monitors to plant a bug on Hailey while she gives a confessional on how she feels about each girl.  They set themselves up to get annoyed for no reason so there can be more fighting, I guess.

Hailey calls her mom and explains the situation, noting that the house is disgusting, and her mom is hilarious on the phone, telling Hailey to "set something on fire!" She's not quite as amazing as Camilla's mom from season 9, but I digress.

Hailey goes into the make-up room telling Tiana that just wants to have a good time even though she knows there's a clique in place, and Tiana agrees to the plan. Hailey also warns Tiana not to take anything she says while drunk to heart, and they both take a shot.

Jaz doesn't like Hailey's voice, eyes and eyelashes and finds her annoying, though heads to the club with her and the girls without a word...yet.

At the club, Hailey is so excited to be there that she asks for a personal shout-out from the DJ, which embarrasses the girls, and to make matters worse, the DJ says, "Alright, now get your drunk ass out of here."

Hailey does indeed get wasted at the club, falling all over the place, and gets an earful in the limo on the way home.  Jaz calls her trashy, and back at the house, Benze starts hitting her picture and flipping out.

I really, really miss when the girls on BGC celebrated being crazy drunks together and didn't get upset over the smallest slight. Then again, Hailey is just a scapegoat.

Upstairs in their room, Benze tells Hailey she wants to fight, and Hailey starts twerking on her bed and it's pretty funny. I wish Hailey was one of the original cast members this season because she's got the right attitude.

Hailey then goes downstairs and pukes on the house plant, which starts World War III in the house. The girls start ganging up on her and demanding she clean it up immediately, and to be fair, Hailey denies vomiting in the corner, though it's probably because she's black-out drunk.

Jaz gets in Hailey's face and shoves her, hard, then comes at her again.  She tells Hailey, "Clean it up or I'll clean you up with it!" She yanks at her dress, pulls her on the floor, and before you know it Hailey is getting jumped.

Oh these girls and jumping...

NEXT WEEK: Jaz goes overboard with the fighting but nothing happens to her, Hailey probably leaves, Tiana gets thrown a surprise party, and the girls have a boring last episode together full of tears and hugs. I'll watch so you don't have to, and as always, I'll tell you all about it!

Click here to watch this week's full episode of the "Bad Girls Club!" and click here for spoilers about this season's reunion.