If your fridge is a mess, there's a good chance that you've been letting food go to waste. It's also likely that there's stuff in there that you don't even remember buying, and that every time you grocery shop, things get pushed to the back to make room for the new stuff.

If you want to keep a clutter-free fridge and a clear mind when it comes to what's for dinner, do a huge cleanout and a very conscious, planned-out refilling by following these five tips.

1. Think about the layout. The containers on the fridge door are best used for condiments and never eggs or dairy, as the temperature in that area fluctuates the most, according to The Kitchn. The bottom drawers should be used for raw meat, so that if anything drips, it doesn't ruin the rest of your food. The middle shelves are great for veggies, herbs and dairy products kept organized in clear boxes. The top shelf is best for all your prepared foods. Keep this area relatively clear so you can fill it as you cook.

2. Label the sections of your fridge! This way, you'll be less likely to revert to free-for-all fridge storage, Real Simple notes.

3. Old in front, new in the back. This is the cardinal rule of fridge stocking. If something is getting old, bring it to the front so it gets used. The new things should be stocked at the back. Rotate, rotate, rotate.

4. Bins are always helpful. Clear plastic bins, available at any dollar store, prevent drips turning into big messes and keep everything looking neat. Label your bins too, says Buzzfeed.

5. Shop weekly. Many people try to do their grocery trips on a bi-weekly basis, but you're much more likely to end up with forgotten items and rotten items if you buy every two weeks. Shopping frequently in smaller batches makes for better meal planning and better eating.