Thursday night's (Nov. 14) episode of "Scandal" was jam packed. It's only the seventh episode but it had viewers on the edge of their seats from beginning to end. A quick recap of everything that happened: The episode titled "Everything's Coming Up Mellie," focused on the First Lady as she tried to fix her tarnished public image and do a big-time interview. The episode also gave viewers flashbacks of the characters, especially Mellie.

The flashbacks told her backstory and explained how she got to be such a tough, sometimes mean and jilted wife. To put it lightly, Mellie has gone through some things. She revealed that she gave up her career for her husband, viewers found out that she has known about "Operation Remington" the entire time and she was raped by Big Jerry, the President's father.

Another big storyline was Quinn. At the beginning we see Quinn at the gun range with Charlie. Uh-oh. Throughout the fast-paced episode Quinn gets hooked up with Charlie - he even kisses her - and then invites her out one night. Even though there are a million red flags Quinn accepts the "date" and Charlie uses her to do his dirty work.

He asks Quinn to help him on an assignment. She has to go into the building they've been watching and stick a needle into the security guard to knock him out. Only problem, whatever was in the needle was lethal and killed the guard. Quinn panics and leaves not realizing she's on camera.

Yet another storyline was Olivia's mom and Operation Remington. Quinn's action is going to have some serious, serious consequences. The man she killed was someone Pope & Associates wanted to talk to about the plane being shot down. Also Charlie resurfaces, shows Quinn the video footage of killing the guard and tells her she is now in B613.

The biggest bombshell of the night: Mama Pope Lives and Olivia's father Rowan knew where she was the entire time. After that hour-long episode you probably have a ton of questions. Here are five of the biggest questions from tonight's episode:

1. Will Olivia get to see her mom? Now that fans know Mama Pope is alive, will Rowan arrange a meeting so Olivia can see her mom? In a sneak peek of next week's episode Mama Pope is demanding Rowan set up a meeting. This meeting would definitely cause some problems and could jeopardize "Operation Remington" and B613.

2. What's going on with Quinn? Quinn has landed herself in some deep trouble. Not only did she kill the man Pope & Associates wanted to talk to but she has been forced into B613. What's going to happen when everyone, especially Huck, finds out?

3. Is Sallie Langston's husband gay? This wasn't a major storyline but it could come up again in future episodes. At the party, Mellie and Cyrus were trying to get "touchy-feely" Daniel to get caught with a young, hot blonde they recruited. It didn't work but they noticed Daniel laughing and smiling (and flirting?) with Cyrus' husband, James. It leaves us wondering.

4. Did Mellie have Big Jerry's baby? Fans were stunned to find out that Mellie was raped by the President's father, Big Jerry. She never said a word to President Grant but at the party he mentions Mellie being pregnant with their first child. The tough-as-nails First Lady has a horrified look on her face as her husband suggests they could name the baby "Jerry" if it's a boy.

5. What happened during "Operation Remington"? There's seems to be a lot of unanswered questions about the secret mission that took place years ago. It was believed Olivia's mom died in the plane crash - she didn't, it was said that President Grant shot the plane down but at one point his father said that he had to help the President clean up his mess - did Big Jerry really shoot down the plane? And are Olivia and her Gladiators' lives in jeopardy for digging into "Operation Remington?"

With everything unveiled in this episode, next week is sure to be another edge-of-the-seat show. What shocked you the most about the episode? Tell us in the comments.