On last night's episode of FYI's hit social experiment reality TV series "Married at First Sight," the three arranged couples have survived the first half of the six-week-long experiment. But even though they're halfway through, the couples are still struggling with the same issues that have plagued their relationships since they first met at the altar three weeks ago. Expert and clinical psychologist Dr. Joseph Cilona visited each couple to help them move past their problems.

Tres Russell & Vanessa Nelson

Russell struggled with his wife Nelson and her inability to let her walls down. Nelson is still holding back because she still doubts whether Russell is fully committed, and she doesn't want to fully invest herself in the relationship and set herself up for heartbreak. Cilona helped her to find the root of her fear of abandonment, which stems from her childhood and her relationship with an absentee father. Nelson opened up to Russell about her fear with Cilona's help, which allowed Russell to fully understand what his wife has been feeling. Nelson also finally agreed to introduce Russell to her mother, and Nelson's mother was able to give Russell advice on how to encourage her daughter to open up.

Neil Bowlus & Samantha Role

Role convinced Bowlus to move out of the first home they purchased together as a couple because they weren't happy with the house and Role's new position at work came with a longer commute. The couple moved into Role's former townhouse with her roommate Sammy, and Role was not accommodating to Bowlus in her home - she even refused to give Bowlus a key to the house. But when Bowlus sat her down to discuss moving into a new home, Role got defensive and called him "fake." An argument ensued, and Role kicked him out of her house, but Bowlus returned and they talked it out. Cilona visited the couple after their fight and said their styles of communications clash. He advised that Role tell her husband when she feels she needs a break to gather her thoughts so that she doesn't lash out again at Bowlus when they don't agree on something in the future, and she agreed. Bowlus earned extra points with his wife when he planned the perfect murder mystery dinner party for her birthday.

David Norton & Ashley Doherty

Norton spent time away from his wife on a business trip, and being away from her for a few days made him realize he missed her - but the couple still has not made any improvement in their intimate and physical relationship. After weeks of avoiding the issue, Doherty finally revealed the reason why she's been cold and distant with her husband Norton. She admitted in a previous episode that Norton is physically not her "type," but she never expressed this for fear of hurting his feelings. With Cilona there to push her, Doherty explained her relationship history with Norton. She said she focused too much on physical attraction in the past and struggled to make a long-term relationship last based on looks alone. "I'm hearing that, but I'm also hearing that she doesn't necessarily find me attractive," Norton said. Cilona said while Doherty is too focused on physical attraction, Norton needs to put their physical and sexual relationship on the back burner to take all the pressure off Doherty. "I still feel this sense of panic and stuck," Doherty said. "I don't know how I'm ever gonna get around this."