Waxing hurts and that's the truth. Whether you're removing body hair from your eyebrows, underarms or bikini line, you're likely to cry from the pain. However, the pain can be minimized if you follow the tips below before heading to the salon:

1. Grow your hair out.

You'll be able to get your wax's worth if you go to the salon with longer hair strands, so resist shaving a few weeks before you waxing. If your hair is shorter when waxed, it will likely grow quicker too, according to Redbook Magazine. However, don't let it grow too long as it may lead to excessive pulling, according to Dr. Philip Young on Real Self.

2. Exfoliate and moisturize daily.

Several weeks before going to the wax salon, you have to exfoliate and moisturize the skin around the area so that it is silkier and softer. It will be easier for the salon staff to work on pulling your hair and it will be less painful for you.

3. Bikini waxing during your period is a matter of choice.

If you're comfortable with this, then go ahead and wear a tampon. However, let the salon staff know that you're menstruating, so she knows how to make the procedure more bearable.

4. No waxing after a workout.

Don't schedule waxing appointments after you've just hit the gym or did a heavy workout at home. "[Sweat] may interfere with the wax adhering to the hair. Working out right after may cause an adverse reaction to your freshly waxed skin," according to expert Melanie Gilliland via Huffington Post. She recommends doing it one or two days afterwards.

5. No alcohol or caffeine before waxing.

These drinks can raise your body's acidity level, thus making your skin more sensitive, according to Cosmopolitan. Only drink lots of water hours before the procedure.

6. Prepare for the after-care as well.

Drink a pain reliever after you've gotten your wax and don't wear tight clothing that will affect the area in the first few days. Continue to moisturize the area, but avoid using any perfumed products that will irritate the skin.