For a lot of men, the premise of fine dining is something that we usually consider intimidating. After all, with all those forks and decorum for the formal meal, who would not be overwhelmed? Fear not, though, because we got you covered.

Here's a man's survival guide for fine dining.

1. Dress Appropriately

Yeah, fine dining is just a fancier way to get food to our mouths. We have to be aware, though, that if we commit to dining with style, we must look the part. Thus, wear something appropriate. Never wear house clothes or those you use when eating at McDonald's when you're going to a formal dinner, according to Esquire.

2. Learn to Use the Cutlery

Cutlery is one thing that really separates us from the animal kingdom and our primate relatives, as stated by D'Marge. Thus, learn how to use the. There's a reason why there are three forks on the table. A man must have at least a general know-how of how each is to be used. No excuses.

3. Table Manners are King

Like the food? That's very good. Just remember to complement your host (or the chef, if you're in a fancy restaurant) when you're done chewing your food. Remember those table manners that your mom told you about when you were a kid? They still apply today.

4. All About Servings

If you get invited to a formal dinner by a friend (or your significant other's family) in their home, make sure that you don't stuff your plate with all the food you will eat during the meal. Nothing turns off hosts than a guest who eats like there is no tomorrow, according to the Art of Manliness.

5. Keep it Clean

If you're with hosts, clean up after yourself. If you're in a restaurant, make sure your food does not end up all over the table. No one's judging you, but sloppy dining is only done within the confines of our man-caves. Outside, we dine like gentlemen.

See, fine dining is not that intimidating, right? Keep these in mind and that fancy dinner will never be intimidating again.

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