Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton said Sunday that attacks on husband Bill Clinton over past indiscretions and allegations of sexual abuse “won’t work,” calling them a “dead end." Appearing on CBS' Face The Nation, host John Dickerson asked Clinton to respond to an ad released by Republican front-runner Donald Trump in which he highlighted the affair that the former president had with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, posing the question as to whether or not it is "fair game." 

"It's been fair game going back to the Republicans for some years," Clinton said, according to The Hill. "They can do it again if they want to, that will be their choice as to how to run in this campaign. It didn't work before, it won't work again because people are focused on not the past, but the future." 

The video, which was posted on Trump's Instagram account, recalls the 1990s scandal with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, according to The Wall Street Journal. The clip also shows Hillary Clinton standing next to disgraced former New York congressman Anthony Weiner and another photograph with her and Bill Cosby. 

“If he wants to engage in personal attacks from the past, that’s his prerogative. So be it,” Clinton said on Sunday, noting that she will continue to focus on issues important to women, such as equal pay and abortion rights, Politico reported.

“I can't run anybody else's campaign," Clinton said. "They can do whatever they want, more power to them. I think it’s a dead end, a blind alley for them, but let them go. I’m going to talk about the differences between us because I think that’s what Americans care about.”