Sarah Palin mocked President Barack Obama in an six-sentence op-ed following the president's teary-eyed speech Tuesday during which he announced his plans to fight gun violence by issuing a set of executive orders.

"Obama wept," began the piece Palin wrote for the conservative website, Breitbart. "The whole world weeps waiting for American leadership in these troubled times as Islamic savages commit genocide against the Christians of the Middle East and terrorize innocent people in cities across the globe."

The former Republican vice presidential candidate blasted Obama for the gun control measures, directly, saying, "Meanwhile, Obama wept as he blamed law-abiding patriots for the nation's insecurity and sought to strip them of the Constitutional rights that generations of Americans shed blood to protect."

She concluded: "Obama wept, while we all continue to weep for our country and the civilized world."

On Tuesday, President Obama announced his plans to curb gun violence by using a set of executive actions to close the gun show loophole for purchasing guns, as well as increasing funding for mental health treatment and increasing personnel resources for the FBI. 

"Every time I think about those kids, it gets me mad," Obama said, wiping away tears, The New York Times reported. "And by the way, it happens on the streets of Chicago every day," referring to where he began his political career.

Donald Trump, who takes nearly every opportunity to slam the president, said Wednesday that he thought Obama was showing true emotions, The Hill reported. “I actually think he was sincere," the Republican presidential front-runner said, appearing on Fox News. "I'll probably go down about 5 points in the polls by saying that."

Trump noted that he disagrees with the president's plans, but did not question his genuineness. “It's a thing that he feels - I think he's incorrect about it, they're just taking chunks and chunks out of the Second Amendment, but I think he probably means well,” Trump said.