It is common knowledge that parrots typically mimic almost everything that they see and hear, from a regular conversation between two people and just about any other sound that humans normally come across with every single day.

However this video of a parrot perfectly imitating a newborn baby's cries will need to be played on an endless loop for it to be believed.

The video, where a woman is trying to calm her crying bird down, has garnered more than 200,000 views on YouTube.

This particular parrot copying a newborn baby's cries may seem surreal to some, but in actuality, this is not the first case of a crying parrot, as another YouTube video from 2013 shows another parrot with a similar outburst.

Michael Schindlinger, an assistant biology professor at Lesley University in Cambridge, Mass., explained that parrots imitate everything that they hear in general for the sole purpose of getting the attention of the listener, according to Scientific American.

Schindlinger added that seeing and hearing parrots copy common human speeches that sound like laughter or cries can be entertaining, but more research still needs to be done.

Watch the video below: