A Texan nonprofit aimed at children received an early Christmas present this year after an anonymous $50,000 donation was left underneath a Jesus figurine, reported USA Today. The Children's Home, which provides services to minors in Amarillo, Texas, received a call telling them to look in the nativity scene, according to ABC News. When they did, they found an envelope with a check inside.

"The person on the phone asked the receptionist to run outside and check underneath Jesus," said the president of the organization, Darrin Murphy, according to ABC News. "As you can imagine, we were just taken aback."

"I told [the kids] that people are noticing you, people believe that you have what it takes and people believe in your future," continued Murphy. "It was huge for them and they were very excited about that."

Arnie Padilla, community outreach coordinator at the home, stated that more than 70 percent of the group's funds come from donations, according to Amarillo Globe News, making the surprise money very welcome before the busy winter period.

The nonprofit has seven separate homes, providing care and other services to more than 40 local children 2-years-old and up.

Padilla said the donor claimed to be inspired after he watched the children interacting with their teachers, who live at the homes with the children full-time, according to Amarillo Globe News. The donor did not wish to reveal his identity.

"A gift like this is inspiring and, when our kids see generosity like this, it inspires them to give back and serve others," said the Children's Home on its website. "A gift such as this helps us to be able to continue providing the basic needs for our kids and allows them to have enriched lives and futures."