Salvation Army bell ringer William Martin, 61, was charged with indecent exposure Dec. 10 after exposing himself while collecting donations outside a Food City store in Kingsport, Tenn. Cody Estes reported the incident after his young son dropped a few coins into the kettle and, shortly after, Martin lifted up his red apron with his genitalia pulled out of his pants, reported the Smoking Gun.

Estes called 911 and reported the indecent act, according to the Huffington Post. He said that his young son did not see the man expose himself.

Though he initially denied the act, Martin eventually confessed after watching the surveillance video that showed him fondling himself, reported CBS News.

"As he sat there, I observed his left hand slide under the red apron he was wearing and move toward his groin. His left hand moved in a manner that appeared as if he was fondling himself over several minutes. This act continued as customers, including children, entered and exited the store," said the police report of the incident, posted on the Smoking Gun.

Martin and his wife had been trusted bell ringers for years and will no longer be part of the organization. "He told me he never intended to expose himself, but was dealing with problems related to his severe diabetes," said Alan Hill, the Greater Kingsport Salvation Army Major, according to the Huffington Post.

Martin has been cited with a misdemeanor charge of indecent exposure and is now banned from all Food City locations, reported the Huffington Post. He will appear in court March 3.