Hosting a party this holiday? Aside from food, booze and music, you'll need to come up with some exciting activities for your guests so that your party is a memorable one. Below are some ideas:

1) React and Act

This game is an icebreaker and it's fun to do especially if you have friends with a flare for acting. Have your party guests write down scenes, events or occurrences that your friends can act out while the rest guess what it's about. This is a lot like Charades, but you can make the incidents and scenarios a lot more personal and perhaps even relatable. Some of the examples include:

- winning a lottery
- getting fired by the boss
- marriage proposal
- a P.E. incident in high school

Acting out should have a time limit and you can set up variations to the rule, per Ice Breakers.

2) Getting To Know You

This game is a great way for touching base and becoming updated about your friends. Write down all of your guests' names on pieces of paper and then place them in a hat or bag. Have each guest pick out a name and then throughout the night, they must secretly make sure to "interview" the person they've picked. The goal is to find out their "big secret." Sometime later during the party, have everyone gather around to tell the group what they have learned about their picks. Meantime, their picks must also write down what they think the other person will be telling the group about them. The person with the most number of correct reveals wins a prize.

It's a variation of the Know Your Family game from Party 411.

3) White Elephant Gift Exchange

Gift exchanges are very common during the holidays, but White Elephant offers a fun twist. Have everyone bring one wrapped gag or novelty gift, then assign a number to your guests at the start of the party so that they will know when it's their turn at the gift exchange later. First guest then picks out a gift from the pile and opens it in front of the others. Then the next person either picks a new gift from the pile or decides to steal the gift that's already opened. This will continue until there are no more unopened gifts.

Refer to the rules of White Elephant Gift Exchange via Sassy Santa.

4) Laughing Game

This hilarious game is quick and easy to execute. Have guests seated around a circle and then let each participant take turns saying "Ho, ho, ho!" in the best and creative way possible. Anyone who laughs will be out of the game, but the lone person who can keep with a straight face till the very end wins the top prize.

This game is a variation from Party Current.

5) Adult Musical Chairs

Prepare a playlist and assign someone to cue the music. Have guests gather round for musical chairs, which is a common party game everyone knows from childhood. However, include a "flirty twist" where participants can still be counted in the game for as long as they are seated - even if they're on someone else's lap and their feet are off the ground when the music stops, according to Teen Advice.