At last weekend's Playstation Experience in San Francisco, several game titles were on display and onlookers were able get a feel of what Sony and other developers such as Harmonix and Capcom are cooking up for the gaming platform. One of the hottest announcements, however, involved the new PlayStation VR.

Sony's VR device was first revealed as part of the two-hour keynote delivered during the first day of the event. This was followed by announcements of several game demos for the VR platform, which some gamers get to test using the new gaming device. This included "EVE: Valkyrie," "Driveclub VR" and "Job Simulator: the 2050 Archives." The game "Golem" (see the video below) and "Psychonauts" particularly stood out with their compelling narratives, beautiful graphics and innovative features, Tech Times reported. Sony would not confirm whether the demos made available last weekend will become full-fledged releases.

"Quite often [when developing a game], you're iterating on a known mechanic," Dave Raynard, game director at Sony's London Studio, said in an Engadget report. "But with VR, you're doing huge leaps, trying something that's never happened before."

The PlayStation VR is expected to be unveiled in the spring of 2016, according to the International Business Times. At this stage, the device is still in development. But fans are already looking forward to its release, particularly since Sony demonstrated some innovative features such as the capability for two players to play in virtual space simultaneously.