Bunnies are hoppers, we know that. They have those strong back legs capable of jumping in the air and over a bush or a log. So what is it that surprises us to see that jumping ability channeled and harnessed into a bunny jumping competition?

Do we still not consider the world's third favorite pet, the rabbit, as intelligent enough to learn this feat like a "smarter" pet? Buns are smarties! They're also social, and treat motivated, so when treats are involved and positive training methods used, teaching a bunny what they already love to do is a cinch! Well, that may be a stretch to some bunnies, but some are naturals.

Welcome to rabbit show jumping! Yes, it's real and more popular than you might think. Sweden loves it, and so does the U.K. The rewards are just a trophy, but it's more of a social thing and a way to show off the cute bunnies and personalities that share their owners lives, according to the Animalist

"My rabbit Micro loves the events and has had several high placements from championships in Sweden and won two gold medals in England this year," said Karin Molin, according to the Mirror.

The jumping event is "well worth a visit," Matthew Brash, veterinary adviser for Burgess Pet Care, said after attending one of the events. "These guys can jump nearly a meter if they're doing a straight jump, and a lot of the time you will see them jumping nearly half a meter, which is just an amazing feat in its own right."

However, the event does have a little competitive aspect to it. In the video of the competition, Flora's mom is sure hoping she will beat that bunny jumping superstar Cherie. Watch to see who wins the coveted bunny jump trophy is this sweet video that makes us all want cheer them on! Go bunny go!