President Barack Obama renewed his call for tougher gun restrictions while speaking recently in the aftermath of the San Bernardino shootings and honoring the victims.

"This tragedy reminds us of our obligation to do everything in our power, together, to keep our communities safe. We know that the killers in San Bernardino used military-style assault weapons -- weapons of war -- to kill as many people as they could. It's another tragic reminder that here in America it's way too easy for dangerous people to get their hands on a gun," Obama said during his weekly address Saturday, reported The Huffington Post.

"Right now, people on the No-Fly list can walk into a store and buy a gun. That is insane. If you're too dangerous to board a plane, you're too dangerous, by definition, to buy a gun. And so I'm calling on Congress to close this loophole, now. We may not be able to prevent every tragedy, but -- at a bare minimum -- we shouldn't be making it so easy for potential terrorists or criminals to get their hands on a gun that they could use against Americans," Obama said, according to CNN.

The president added how the Islamic State and other terrorist groups have been influencing people around the world to commit terror attacks, sometimes as "lone wolf" attackers, reported Fox 17. He emphasized the need for government, law enforcement, communities and religious leaders to come together to prevent people from being influenced in this way and keep these incidents from happening in the future.

"It is entirely possible that these two attackers were radicalized to commit this act of terror. And if so, it would underscore a threat we've been focused on for years -- the danger of people succumbing to violent extremist ideologies," Obama said.