It's fun to shop for clothes for yourself, but looking for clothes to give as gifts for Christmas can be a bit tricky.  Style is a personal choice, and you could end up gifting family and friends clothes that they are likely not going to like. So, how do you avoid a potentially awkward situation? Below are some tips:

1) Know Their Style

Consider the colors they often love to wear or the type of clothes they have. Are they fond of prints and patterns? Do they typically stay away from black? Do they like to wear pants more often than skirts? Browse for clothes at online shopping sites to get some ideas. You could run into a selection of tops and bottoms that will remind you of how your friend or cousin dresses up.

Pay attention and notice the little details in the person as you could gift them with something they really need. If they have a favorite store or online site to shop clothes for, why not check out what's in there? 

2) Know Their Size

If you buy the incorrect size, you're likely to offend the receiver or render the gift useless because they won't be able to wear this. If you can sneak inside a family member's or a close friend's closet to check clothes sizes, then that would at least help. However, you might just have to resort to asking someone close - like a boyfriend or roommate - for the size details.

3) Avoid Giving In To Trends

That moto jacket might be trendy and your 22-year-old niece might look great in it, but the style can be fleeting. Instead, give her something classic she can use a lot. For more ideas on what to shop for her, check out Work & Fashion: 5 Stylish Items Every Working Woman Must Have.        

4) Always Keep The Receipts

They might want to exchange your gift, so be prepared for this. Understand that with clothes, you can never be 100 percent sure of the style requirements, so returning this is reasonable. Don't be offended when your receiver does this. Lineups at the stores are usually long after holidays precisely because many are there for returns or exchanges, according to The Huffington Post

5) When In Doubt, Offer To Shop With The Person

You can always shop together if you really want to be certain of your Christmas gift. This way, you'll be able to buy exactly what the other person wants. "If you can buy the right clothing item, it's a strong signal that you understand the person. That message is part of what makes it successful," said Chris Morton, CEO of fashion site Lyst, via The Wall Street Journal.